General Assembly in French-speaking Switzerland - 2014
General Assembly for the companies affiliated to our foundation: on the 25th of September 2014 in Lausanne at Olympic Museum
Part 1:
The General Assembly will be presented by Ms. Isabelle Amschwand (Chair of the Collective Foundation Trianon) and Mr. Gilles André (Plan manager of the CFT).
Part 2: Training seminar
An overview of the year 2013 will be presented, including the consolidated financial accounts. The second part will cover three current issues which will be presented by the companies: LOB Guarantee Fund, Towers Watson, MBS Capital Advice (in Lausanne) and UBS (in Zurich).
- M. Daniel Dürr, Fonds de Garantie LPP, « Fonds de Garantie, rôle et marge de manœuvre des Caisses ? »
- M. Mohsen Sohrabi, MBS Capital Advice, "Succès et échecs de l'investissement à long terme."
- M. Guillaume Hodouin, Towers Watson, “Is 75 the new 65? Faut-il rendre attractif le marché du travail pour les travailleurs âgés? »
Olympic Museum
Quai d’Ouchy 1
1006 Lausanne